Get Involved in Reef Building!

Habitat Conservation is one of the most important issues facing the environment today, whether in the ocean or Chesapeake Bay.  Preserving habitats and creating more is essential to preserving biodiversity.

How Can Your Company or School Get Involved in our Living Reef Action Campaign?

CCA Living Reef Action Campaign Key Points

Please contact to discuss how your company or school can participate in the Living Reef Action Campaign, and build reef balls that will be used to restore and create new habitat in the Chesapeake Bay.

School Programs

A key component of our Living Reef Action Campaign is to support in-class programs that promote stewardship and give students a chance at hands on learning while making an impact on habitat creation in the Chesapeake Bay.

CCA Living Reef Action Campaign Class Room Programs


Printable Project Posters

CCA Tighlman Island Reef Site Poster

Tangier Sound Reef Poster

CCA Living Reef Action Campaign Poster

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